Kia Ora,
Welcome to the 'About' page - one of the most popular pages on our site. We assume this is because people want know who/what is Nicolaas.
Simply put we are two childhood friends who developed Nicolaas as an online based retailer in New Zealand & was formed to bring quality products directly to you.
We love working with Silikomart, and have first hand seen their design and manufacturing process in Italy. Their reputation is world renowned and we are excited to bring their range to you, with more coming.
We are also excited to bring Combekk to New Zealand, we love their approach to sustainability and ensuring they use the traditional cast iron methods when developing their products. Their range is growing and their brand is selling out across Europe.
We will be expanding our offering and are looking fat quality brands and products that we think should be offered in New Zealand.
Watch this space, as we bring you even more quality to your kitchen.